三只小猪的故事英语版讲的是三只小猪长大了,猪妈妈希望他们能离开家去盖自己的房子。三只小猪中,猪老大和猪老二建议做了茅草房,因此二只懒惰的小猪让野狼有机可乘。但是猪老三却比较勤奋,修建了一座大砖房。有一天,大野狼来了...三只小猪会有什么样的命运呢? The Three Pigs 三只小猪 April Maguire / 文 Gillian Roberts / 图 "Let me in," said the wolf. "No!" said one little pig. 大灰狼说:“快让我进去。” 一只小猪说:“不!” "Then I will blow your house down," said the wolf. And he did. 大灰狼说:“那我就把你的房子给吹倒。” 于是,大灰狼就把小猪用稻草搭的房子给吹倒了。 The little pig ran down the road. 这只小猪赶紧沿着小路逃跑,跑到了另一只小猪家。 "Let me in," said the wolf. "No, no!" said the two little pigs. 大灰狼说:“快让我进来。” 两只小猪说:“不,不!” "Then I will blow your house down," said the wolf. And he did. 大灰狼说:“那我就把你的房子给吹倒。” 于是,大灰狼就把小猪用木头搭的房子给吹倒了。 The two little pigs ran down the road. 这两只小猪赶紧沿着小路逃跑,跑到了第三只小猪家。 The wolf said, "Let me in!" "No, no, no!" said the three little pigs. 大灰狼说:“快让我进去。” 三只小猪说:“不,不,不!” "Then I will blow your house down," said the wolf. But he did not! 大灰狼说:“那我就把你的房子给吹倒。” 但是,房子是砖头垒的,这次大灰狼吹不动了。 "I will get in," said the wolf. The wolf went down, down, down. 大灰狼说:“我要从烟囱里爬进去。” 于是,大灰狼就从烟囱里爬了进去,正好掉进了小猪们煮好了的热锅里。 Then the wolf ran down the road! 大灰狼被伤得不轻,灰溜溜地沿着小路逃跑了! 三只小猪的故事英语版告诉我们,做一件事情,如果想要获得成功,希望能够做的比别人更出色,那么一开始的基础是很重要的,如果急于求成,想一步登天,那么最后也会因为基础不牢固而被对手打败。小朋友们学习也是一样哒,一定要循序渐进,先打好牢固的基础哦! |