【190】:1)每次在夜空中,看到这颗星球孤独旋转,我心中都会有一种难以名状的依恋和亲切。 Every time I see this lonely planet rotating in the dark sky, an unnamable sense of attachment and affection arise from the bottom of my heart. --柴静
【193】:4)每个人的头顶上都有一个穹顶,而我们习惯了低头忙碌地过自己的生活,从不抬头仰望一下头顶上那片最美的天空。 We are all under the dome, but we are too busy to look up and enjoy the most beautiful sky right above us. --柴静
【194】:6)在雾霾严重的时候,我们至少有一件事情可以做,就是保护好你自己和你爱的人。 In the most smog-stricken days, there is at least one thing we can do: to protect ourselves as well as our loved ones. --柴静
【195】:3)我不是多怕死,我只是不想这么活。 I have no fear of death, but I fear to live like this. --柴静