今天推荐书小编为大家推荐一本Carol Bolt的颇具神秘色彩的书《Book of Answers》(答案之书)。 《Book of Answers》这本书我之前也没听说过,是一位女同事介绍给我的,说是本年度最hit的书- -!。出于好奇,我在网上买了一本,这本书现在还没有翻译过来的版本,买的是原版。 这本书不管是真的拿来问自己想问的问题,或是只是拿来娱乐,都能让你获益!推荐书小编推荐有空的时候可以拿来阅读下,也许你的一些问题就迎刃而解了。 这本书的看法是:先想一个最近你特别纠结的问题,然后拿着书专注10秒,再自然、随机地翻开这本书的一页,你就会看到你问题的答案。不得不说,答案还是比较准的。 内容简介 你是否该和你老大提出一次升迁的请求? 或是请你喜欢的人来参加party? 是否该卖掉你不知该如何下手的股票? 或告诉你最好的朋友她男朋友在劈腿? 有一本能告诉你该如何去做的书在手边该多好? 这绝对是一本包含无数答案你无法释手的书。 作者简介 Carol Bolt (August 25, 1941 – November 28, 2000) was a Canadian playwright. She was a founding member and, for several years, president of the Playwrights Union of Canada. Bolt’s best known play is the thriller One Night Stand, which was turned into a film in 1978. Her other plays include examinations of Canadian-specific motifs and political issues, such as Buffalo Jump (examining Canada during the depression era of the 1930s) and Red Emma (about radical anarchist Emma Goldman). Her last play was Famous, produced on stage in 1997. For television, Bolt’s writing credits include Tales of the Klondike, two episodes of the animated children’s series The Raccoons, and a single episode of Fraggle Rock. Bolt died of complications due to liver cancer on November 28, 2000, in Toronto, Ontario.[1] Following her death, the Canadian Authors Association renamed its CAA Award for Drama to the Carol Bolt Award in her memory; the award is now administered by the Playwrights Guild of Canada. |