To join Al Qaeda in Osama bin Laden’s day, prospective recruits had to take an arduous and risky journey to the network’s haven in the mountains of northwestern Pakistan, the heartland of global Islamist militancy. 想在奥萨马·本拉登时代加入基地组织的话,得千辛万苦历经风险才有望到达组织的港湾——巴基斯坦西北部的山区里这一全球伊斯兰武装分子活跃的心脏地带。 Then they had to fill in an application. 他们还得先填一份申请书。 The three pages of questions show how Al Qaeda, in its vision of itself as a disciplined network of committed militants, blended the mundanely bureaucratic with the frighteningly absurd. 申请书的问题长达三页,问题提得武断专横又荒唐骇人,显示了基地组织欲建构一支忠贞不二且纪律严明的好战分子队伍的愿景。 The application, which was among nearly 80 documents and other materials, including books and press clippings, seized from Bin Laden’s compound during the raid by Navy SEAL members in May 2011. 这份申请在将近80份文件资料里找到的,其他还有书籍和剪报,均为海豹突击队2011年5月剿拉登驻地时缴获。 The material offers the deepest look yet into Bin Laden’s final years, much of which he appears to have spent sending missives to his subordinates, seeking to direct a terror network that appeared to have grown far beyond his control, and working his way through a pile of books that ranged from sober works of history and current affairs to wild conspiracy theories spun by anti-Semites. 这些资料清晰展现了拉登最后的岁月。拉登末年似乎一直在和部下通信,力求指挥一个他似乎已无力掌控的恐怖主义网络。他末年也努力读书,这堆书有严肃理智的历史著作和时事新闻、也有反犹分子所著疯狂大胆的阴谋论。 It was the list of books found in Bin Laden’s compound that garnered the most interest Wednesday. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which managed the release, seized on Bin Laden’s reading list to promote it, titling the web page listing all the now-public material “Bin Laden’s Bookshelf.” 最夺人眼球的是周三发现的拉登书单。美国国家情报总监办公室抓住拉登的书目不放,大力宣传,并把现行所有的资料发布在网上,冠以“拉登的书架”之名。 Some of the books would be familiar to anyone interested in global affairs, such as “Obama’s Wars,” by Bob Woodward; “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers,” by Paul Kennedy; and “Imperial Hubris,” by Michael Scheuer, the former official who once ran the Central Intelligence Agency’s Bin Laden desk. 对于热衷于国际事务的人而言,有些书想必耳熟能详,如鲍勃·伍德沃德所著《奥巴马的战争》、保罗·肯尼迪的《大国兴衰》、以及迈克·疏勒所写《帝国的傲慢》。疏勒以前是中央情报局负责拉登调查的政府官员。 Other titles hinted at a paranoid worldview fostered by conspiracy theory classics such as “Bloodlines of the Illuminati,”by Fritz Springmeier, and “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve,”by Eustace Mullins, a Holocaust denier. 其他书目直指拉登偏执狂想的世界观,这都拜他阅读阴谋论的经典所赐,如弗里兹·斯普林梅尔的《光明会的血统》和否认大屠杀的尤斯塔斯·马林斯所撰写的《美联储的秘密》等。 He also kept scanned copies of Arabic newspapers. His English-language media diet seems to have leaned toward international news — six copies of Foreign Policy magazine were found in the compound — and articles about Al Qaeda, such as one from The Los Angeles Times in 2005, “Is Al Qaeda Just Bush’s Boogeyman?” 拉登还扫描收藏了阿拉伯语报纸。拉登对英语语言媒体的喜好似乎倾向于国际新闻——在他的院子发现了6本他收藏的《国际关系》,还有若干有关基地组织的文章,如刊登在2005年《洛杉矶时报》上《基地组织是布什总统的梦魇吗?》一文。 Bin Laden was either fascinated or frustrated by computers, or both, with more than two dozen instructional manuals for programs such as Adobe Photoshop and hardware like Intel circuit boards. 计算机方面,拉登或是为之深深着迷、或是满满的挫败感,或是两者皆有之吧,他收藏了足足24本计算机程序手册,有些涉及Adobe的照片处理,还有些是有关因特尔电路板硬件设备的。 And he was apparently engrossed by France: He had 19 stories, essays and books about the country. 拉登显然痴迷于法国,他收集了19个关于法国的故事、散文和书籍等。 The review, which began in May 2014, is expected to continue through the summer and into the fall, said Jeffrey S. Anchukaitis, a spokesman for the intelligence office. But the White House asked that office and the C.I.A. to begin releasing material immediately because of “the increasing public demand to review those documents,”he said. 资料审查工作始于2014年5月,预计要历经今年夏秋两季才收官,情报总监办公室发言人杰弗里·安丘凯提斯如是说。但白宫要求情报总监办公室和中央情报局立马公开材料,称“因公众要求审阅这些文件的要求日益强烈”。 Much of what came out of the compound remains classified, and the latest release brings to 103 the total number of documents from the raid that are now publicly available. 大部分来自拉登住所的资料至今仍保密,最近这次资料一共公开了103份自袭击后的文件。