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2015-12-10 16:15| 发布者: 好书推荐| 查看: 2467| 评论: 0

摘要: 《麦田里的守望者》这本书故事简介中文:主人公霍尔顿是个中学生,出身于富裕的中产阶级家庭。他虽只有16岁,但比常人高出一头,整日穿着风雨衣,戴着鸭舌帽,游游荡荡,不愿读书。他对学校里的一切——老师、同学、 ...




Holden is a hero students, came from affluent middle-class families. Although he is only 16 years old, but a higher than the common people, all day wearing a trench coat, wearing a cap, yo-yo sway reluctant to read. He was all the school - teachers, students, homework, game, etc., are all bored enough, once the school fencing team captain, three times has been expelled from school. Also one end of the semester, and he compounded five lessons in the four failed was expelled from school. He did not feel uncomfortable. And with the students in the room playing one, he left school at night, returned to New York City, but he dared not rush to go home. Late the same day moved into a small hotel. He saw in the hotel are some dubious individuals, there is a man dressed ladies, there is a mutual water spray, spray liquor men and women, their pleasure, self-conscious posturing to make Holden feel nausea and surprised. He was extremely bored, they go to nightclubs Si Hun for a while. Back to the hotel, when my heart still find it very tedious and boring, muddled Maurice agreed to lift work, so that he called a prostitute. A prostitute to his nervous fear, the final prices are set by speaking to the five money and sent her away.
The next day was Sunday, Holden wandering the streets, I met two sisters, has donated 10 yuan. Later, his girlfriend, Sally went to see a show, went ice-skating. Sally saw that fake love fake and just look like Holden is very gratification, both a noisy, sub-hands. Holden then went to see a movie alone, went to the bar and drink with an old classmate, drunk. He walked into the toilet, wash basin with cold head inserted into the flooding for a while, only to wake up. However, out of the bars was cold Fengyi Chui, and his hair was frozen. He thought of himself may be suffering from pneumonia and died, therefore, never meet again sister, phenanthrene and pyrene, and decided to venture back home and her goodbye.
Holden secretly returned home, but fortunately parents went out to play. His wake-up phenanthrene and pyrene, to tell her own anguish and ideals. He told his little sister, and he will want to be a "Catcher in the Rye": "So a group of children in a large wheat field where play games. Thousands of tens of thousands of children, no one is around - no one Your honor, I mean - except me. I do, on the cliff edge that bastard. My job is to watch there, and if there are children to the edge of the precipice which Ben Lai, I'll catch him - I was said the children were in the mad rush and did not know where he was heading to run. I have to come out from where to catch them. I have all day to do such a thing. I just want to when a Catcher In The Rye. " Later, the parents returned, hid in the closet scared Holden. And other parents to the bedroom, he hurriedly slipped out of the house, to a respected teacher, he spend the night in the home. But sleep at night, he found that the teacher may be gay, so had to escape secretly to the station waiting room overnight.
Holden did not want to go home, do not want to go to school, and decided to go west to make a living, doing a deaf and dumb, but he wants to leave, goodbye to his sister the one hand, so he asked people to bring a note to her, about her to the door to meet the museum's Museum of Art. After a good appointment time for a while and finally came phenanthrene and pyrene, but dragging a large suitcase filled with his clothes, she will go with the western Yaogen brother. Finally, because of his little sister persuasion failed, Holden had to abandon the west of the line, took her to the zoo and parks to play for a while. Phenanthrene and pyrene carousel ride, cheer up. It began to rain cats and dogs. Holden appointed body heavy rain to get wet, sitting on the bench, watching phenanthrene and pyrene by a revolving circle, and my heart very happy, and almost yelling up, Holden decided not to run off.
After returning home soon, Holden gave birth to the field seriously ill, was again sent to a nursing home. Discharge will be sent to schools where it is not trying hard to learn well, not at all interested in Holden of all.
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