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2015-12-18 10:03| 发布者: 好书推荐| 查看: 4840| 评论: 0

摘要: 2015年马上就要过完啦,年初给自己定的读书计划你完成了多少?小编非常惭愧,还有大部分没有完成。爱阅读的你一定比我强多了吧!囤书的机会又来啦!《华盛顿邮报》年度十大好书近日新鲜出炉!对于好书,希望这次我们 ...



1.Between the World and Me BY TA-NEHISI COATES


►►►Recommendation 推荐词
It is a riveting meditation on the state of race in America that has arrived at a tumultuous moment in America's history of racial strife.

What it does better than any other recent book is relentlessly drive home the point that "racism is a visceral experience..."To be black in the ghetto of Coates's youth "was to be naked before the elements of the world, before all the guns, fists, knives, crack, rape, and disease."

►►►Review 点评
A black man's stark, visceral experience of racism.

2.Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS BY JOBY WARRICK


►►►Recommendation 推荐词
The Islamic State, whose radical Islamic warriors have inflicted their brutality across the globe from the Middle East to Paris, was founded as al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2004 by a Jordanian thug known by his nom de guerre, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

IJoby Warrick, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, explains the importance of this gangster and analyzes his continuing influence on the Islamic State long after his death in 2006.

►►►Review 点评
Joby Warrick shows in painful but compulsively readable detail how a series of mishaps and mistakes by the U.S. and Jordanian governments gave this unschooled hoodlum his start as a terrorist superstar and set the Middle East on a path of sectarian violence that has proved hard to contain.

3.The Book of Aron BY JIM SHEPARD


►►►Recommendation 推荐词

In the summer of 1942, German soldiers expelled almost 200 starving children from an orphanage in the Warsaw Ghetto and packed them into rail cars bound for Treblinka.

Drawing on his imagination and dozens of historical sources, Shepard brings the Warsaw orphanage to life in this remarkable novel about a poor Polish boy and his friendship with the caretaker of the orphans, the pediatrician Janusz Korczak.

►►►Review 点评

Aron relays his world just as he experiencesthat his town slides into hell. Although relentless in its portrayal of systematic evil, "The Book of Aron" is nonetheless a story of such candor about the complexity of heroism that it challenges us to greater courage.

4.Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush BY JON MEACHAM


Recommendation 推荐词

Jon Meacham's new biography of George H.W. Bush accomplishes a neat trick.

In Meacham's telling, Bush indeed lacked an ideological vision, was as overmatched in domestic policy as he was masterful on the global stage, benefited from his family's influence, and remains overshadowed "by the myth of his predecessor and the drama of his sons' political lives."

►►►Review 点评

What Meacham so skillfully adds to this understanding — through extraordinary detail, deft writing and, thanks to his access to Bush's diaries, an inner monologue of key moments in Bush's presidency.

5.Fates and Furies BY LAUREN GROFF


Recommendation 推荐词

The book's first half concocts the blessed life of Lancelot "Lotto" Satterwhite, the adored son of a wealthy family who has great ambitions to be an actor. His wife, Mathilde, so long impoverished and alone, willingly takes on the chore of encouraging Lancelot.

And halfway through, Groff turns from "Fates" to "Furies." Here's a woman as determined as Antigone, as ferocious as Medea.

Review 点评

'Fates and Furies' review: A masterful tale of marriage and secrets.

6.Future Crimes:Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable, and What We Can Do About It BY MARC GOODMAN


Recommendation 推荐词

Welcome to the brave new world of criminal technology, where robbers have been replaced by hackers and victims include all of us on the Web.

Goodman, a former beat cop who founded the Future Crimes Institute, wrote his book to shed light on the latest in criminal and terrorist tradecraft and to kick off a discussion. He presents myriad cybercrime examples.

►►►Review 点评

Exploring the real-world effects — and the political ones — of our technological insecurity.

7.A Little Life BY Hanya Yanagihara


Recommendation 推荐词

Hanya Yanagihara's novel, which was a finalist for the National Book Award in fiction, illuminates human suffering pushed to its limits, drawn in extraordinary, eloquent detail.

The narrative quickly concentrates on Jude, an orphan with a mysterious past. Jude's desire to maintain a veneer of control, despite being haunted by sexual and psychological abuse, creates the book's major drama.

►►►Review 点评

Through her decade-by-decade examination of these people's lives, Yanagihara draws a deeply realized character study that inspires as much as devastates.

8.Negroland:A memoir BY MARGO JEFFERSON


►►►Recommendation 推荐词

Margo Jefferson was an African American girl from a good family that had money, connections and expectations of excellence.

She was (mostly) protected from the sting of racism and its pernicious hacking away at self-esteem, opportunity and hope. But her armor was thin, and over the years she has nursed her discomfort with being a child of privilege.

Review 点评

"Negroland" is not about raw racism or caricatured villains. It is about subtleties and nuances, presumptions and slights that chip away at one's humanity and take a mental toll.



Recommendation 推荐词

The book traces the unlikely rise of a poor, fatherless child named Pip. At least partially to escape her mother's neediness, Pip accepts an internship with a rogue Web site in the jungles of Bolivia that exposes the nasty secrets of corporations and nations.

Its leader is an Internet activist whose back story in East Germany reads like a cerebral thriller.

►►►Review 点评

Franzen writes with perfectly balanced fluency. From its tossed-off observations to its thoughtful reflections on nuclear weapons and the moral compromises of journalism, this novel offers a constantly provocative series of insights.

10.Welcome to Braggsville BY T.GERONIMO JOHNSON
《欢迎来到布朗斯维尔》,作者:T. 杰罗尼莫·约翰逊


Recommendation 推荐词

D'aron Little May Davenport, a polite white teen from Braggsville, Ga., arrives at University of California at Berkeley as if he's a Southern-fried Candide.

The whole novel turns on a moment in one of his history classes . A too clever, incredibly offensive, potentially disastrous plan is born: D'aron and three friends travel back to Braggsville and stage a mock lynching, "a performative intervention."

Review 点评

Johnson is a master at stripping away our persistent myths and exposing the subterfuge and displacement necessary to keep pretending that a culture built on kidnapping, rape and torture was the apotheosis of gentility and honor.

(来源:《华盛顿邮报》,中国日报网双语新闻微信 编辑:何娜,丁一)








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