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书单 | 这三本实用的工具书,助你工作高效能

2017-12-7 14:01| 发布者: 好书推荐| 查看: 2493| 评论: 0

摘要: 这三本工具书真的很实用《清单革命》现代世界的复杂性已经超出了人力所能控制的范围,任何一个需要从业人员掌控大量知识的领域都难逃厄运。从医疗到金融,从商业到行政,生活中的错误屡屡发生,令人触目惊心。过去4 ...







The complexity of the modern world is beyond the reach of human power, and any area that requires practitioners to control a lot of knowledge is doomed. From healthcare to finance, from business to administration, the mistakes of life are often shocking.

Over the past four years, the number of lawsuits filed against lawyers has increased by 36%. Some lawyers have gone wrong, some have lost their books, and others have used the wrong law. To save a patient's life, tens of thousands of medical workers are required to implement thousands of procedures correctly, and any one step can be fatal. Building a building requires a combination of experts from 16 different fields, and different experts may make conflicting decisions, and once the wrong decision building is made, it will collapse sooner.

Human beings are eager to end mistakes and recreate safe living Spaces. In order to achieve this goal, promote obamacare advisor to the White House, o figure, Dr Gawande through practice in the medical field, set off a list of "revolution", and the revolution trend to promote to construction, flight, financial, administrative and other fields related to our life.

The use of a checklist is to build a "cognitive shield" for the brain that can compensate for the inborn cognitive defects, such as incomplete memory or unfocused attention. In the book, the author makes a list of four principles: devolution, simple supremacy, human being and continuous improvement. They are not rigid dogmas, but practical support systems that will save your life in a complex world.

书单 | 这三本实用的工具书,助你工作高效能

[美] 阿图•葛文德(Atul Gawande),白宫最年轻的健康政策顾问、影响奥巴马医改政策的关键人物、受到金融大鳄查理•芒格大力褒奖的医学工作者、《时代周刊》2010年全球100位最具影响力人物榜单中唯一的医生


美国麦克阿瑟天才奖获得者、2003年美国最佳短篇奖得主、2002及2009年美国最佳科学短篇奖得主、2009年荣获哈斯丁斯中心大奖(Harstings Center Award),2004年被《新闻周刊》评为“20位最具影响力的南亚人物”,2010年入选《时代周刊》评选的“100位最具影响力人物”。

[the] Atul Gawande (Atul Gawande), the youngest health policy advisor to the White House, a key figure of obamacare policy and financial big alligator Charlie munger, praise for medical workers, time magazine 2010 list of top 100 most influential people in the world, the only doctor

Harvard school of public health, professor of harvard medical school, director of the world health organization's global patient safety challenge program, and SLATE medical columnist for the New Yorker

The MacArthur genius Award winner, the best short prize winner in 2003, 2002 and 2009, America's best science short Award, in 2009 won the Hastings Center awards (Harstings Center Award), in 2004 by newsweek magazine named "person of the 20 most influential South Asia", in 2010 time magazine's "100 most influential people".


番茄工作法是弗朗西斯科•西里洛于1992年创立的。他在大学生活的头几年,曾一度苦于学习效率低下,“于是我和自己打赌,下猛药,狠狠鄙视自己说:‘我能学一会儿习吗?真正学上10分钟?’我得找个计时教练,谁来替我掐表呢?后来我找到了,是一枚厨房定时器,形状像‘西红柿’(Pomodoro ,意大利语的‘番茄’)。就这样,我邂逅了我的番茄钟。”


√ 减轻时间焦虑

√ 提升集中力和注意力,减少中断

√ 增强决策意识

√ 唤醒激励和持久激励

√ 巩固达成目标的决心

√ 完善预估流程,精确地保质保量

√ 改进工作学习流程

√ 强化决断力,快刀斩乱麻

The pomodoro technique was founded in 1992 by francesco cirillo. For the first few years of his life in college, he had suffered from poor learning, "so I bet against myself, and I gave me a hard dose of medicine, and I said," can I study for a while? 10 minutes? I have to find a time coach. Who will pinch my watch for me? Then I found it, a kitchen timer shaped like a 'Pomodoro,' a tomato in Italian. So I met my tomato bell."

The pomodoro technique is a simple set of tools and processes to enhance the productivity of your individual and your team.

√ ease anxiety

√ improve concentration and attention, reduce the interrupt

√ enhance consciousness of decision-making

√ wake and lasting incentives

√ strengthen determination to achieve your goals

√ improve the forecast process, accurately CRD

√ process improvement work and study

√ strengthen determination, cut the Gordian knot

书单 | 这三本实用的工具书,助你工作高效能

番茄工作法是弗朗西斯科•西里洛于1992年创立了。他在大学生活的头几年,曾一度苦于学习效率低下,“于是我和自己打赌,下猛药,狠狠鄙视自己说:‘我能学一会儿习吗?真正学上10分钟?’我得找个计时教练,谁来替我掐表呢?后来我找到了,是一枚厨房定时器,形状像‘西红柿’(Pomodoro ,意大利语的“番茄”)。就这样,我邂逅了我的番茄钟。”


The pomodoro technique was founded in 1992 by francesco cirillo. For the first few years of his life in college, he had suffered from poor learning, "so I bet against myself, and I gave me a hard dose of medicine, and I said," can I study for a while? 10 minutes? I have to find a time coach. Who will pinch my watch for me? Then I found it, a kitchen timer shaped like a 'Pomodoro,' a tomato in Italian. So I met my tomato bell."

The pomodoro technique is a simple set of tools and processes to enhance the productivity of your individual and your team.





From students to scientists, from secretaries to ceos, from housewives to salespeople, the problems of procrastination affect almost everyone. The authors are based on the acclaimed and groundbreaking delay workshops and from many psychological consultation in the field of learning theory and rich experience, to delay made a careful and detailed, sometimes very humorous.

By identifying and check the reason behind the things that we will put off - to failure, the fear of success, control, alienation and attachment, plus our concept of time and the brain's neural factors - for us to learn how to understand the impulse delay and how to act in a whole new way did a very solid foundation work.

The author provides us with a target, time management, seeking support and dealing with stress and a series of solutions to overcome procrastination problem, they provide the solution is very practical and had undergone the test of practice. The book also takes into account contemporary cultural appeals for work and the pace of life, as well as the effects of neurocognitive problems such as attention deficit disorder and executive dysfunction. The book even offers practical advice for the people who live and work around procrastinators.

书单 | 这三本实用的工具书,助你工作高效能

简·博克和莱诺拉·袁她们两人是心理学博士、美国加利福尼亚大学的资深心理咨询师。 从1979年开始就为学生中的拖延者创设了第一个团体治疗课程,曾经出现在《奥普拉》和《20/20》等电视节目中,同时也是《纽约时报》、《今日美国》、《洛杉矶时报》、《人物》和《当代心理学》等出版物的专访对象。 一直致力于为全美国的学生、公司组织和公众团体提供治疗的心理工作坊和专题演讲方面的服务,终年活跃在伯克利、斯坦福大学的讲坛。

Jane bock and lenora yuen are both psychologists and senior psychologists at the university of California, United States. Since 1979 for the students of the procrastinator created the first group therapy course, once appeared on "oprah" and "20/20" and other TV programs, as well as the New York times, USA today, the Los Angeles times, "people" and contemporary psychology publications such as an object. Has been committed to for all students in the United States, the company organizations and public organizations to provide services for the psychological workshops and keynote speech, at the age of active forum in Berkeley, Stanford university.









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