如今,买国货、用国货、晒国货,已经成为“国潮青年” 的一种新型消费观;读古文、吟诗句、看经典已经成为一种最in的日常生活方式。越来越多的青年把目光投向于对中国历史文化的了解和学习,从中寻找能够推动当今世界前进的支点。 了解中国文化,才能向世界更好地讲述中国故事;会用英语讲述中国故事,无疑更加锦上添花,让文化间的隔阂又缩小了。 BOOK 1 A Short History of Chinese Philosophy 《中国哲学简史》 (英汉对照) by Fung Yulan 冯友兰 The classic chronicle of Chinese philosophical thought from the third millennium to the 20th century; an English book every Chinese is supposed to read. 这是一部从公元前3000年到20世纪的中国哲学思想经典编年史;一部中国人应该看的英文书。 From the ancient China to the 1911 overthrow of the oldest monarchical system in the world, Chinese philosophy has evolved and influenced schools of thought around the world. 从古代中国到1911年世界最古老的君主专制政权被推翻,中国哲学不断的演变,影响着世界上的其他思想流派。 In an accessible voice, A Short History of Chinese Philosophy clearly illuminates Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, Yin-Yang, and more. For those interested in philosophy or Asian studies, this is the perfect window into ancient and modern Chinese ideology. 用平易近人的语言,这本书明晰地阐明了儒家、道家、墨家、阴阳等学派的思想。对于喜欢哲学和进行亚洲研究的读者来说,这是了解古代和当代中国思想体系的完美窗口。 BOOK 2 The Spirit of the Chinese People 《中国人的精神》 by Ku Hongming 辜鸿铭 In this essay collection, first published nearly a century ago, Gu Hongming compares Chinese and European civilizations while enumerating the virtues of China's traditional Confucian philosophy. Gu famously proposed applying Confucian solutions to the many problems faced by Europe in the early twentieth century. 在这本一个世纪前首次出版的文集之中,辜鸿铭在对比中国和欧洲文明的同时,列举了中国传统儒家学说的优势。他著名的观点是用儒家学说解决欧洲在20世纪初期面临的一系列问题。 Originally published in English and quickly translated into German, French, and Japanese, The Spirit of the Chinese People was a sensation in the West, presenting the culture and people of China and making Gu Hongming a national hero. 这本书在首次用英文出版之后很快就被翻译成德语、法语和日语,《中国人的精神》在欧洲引起了极大的反响,介绍了中国文化和人民并且让辜鸿铭成为了一个国家英雄。 BOOK 3 Has Man a Future? 《这个世界会好吗?》 by Liang Shuming Guy S. Alitto 梁漱溟 艾恺 Engrossing dialogues between the aged Chinese Confucian and an American sinologist. 一部年事已高的中国儒者与美国汉学家之间的精彩对谈。 This book of dialogues between the American sinologist and "The Last Confucian", Liang Shu-ming, gives a chronological account of the conversations that took place in Beijing in 1980. 这本美国汉学家和“最后的儒者”梁漱溟之间的对话集,按时间顺序记录了他们在1980年于北京进行的对话。 In these conversations, they discussed the cultural characteristics of Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, and their representative figures, and reviewed the important activities of Mr. Liang's life, along with Liang's reflection on his contact with many famous people in the cultural and political realms – Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Chiang Kai-shek, Kang Youwei, Hu Shi, etc. 在这些谈话中,他们讨论了儒释道三学之间的文化特性以及它们各自的代表人物。同时,回顾了梁先生一生之中的重要事件,其间插述了他与文化界、政界重要人物之间往来的回忆,包括和李大钊、陈独秀、毛泽东、周恩来、蒋介石、康有为、胡适等人之间的交往。 Rich in content, these conversations serve as important reference material for understanding and studying Mr. Liang Shuming's thoughts and activities as well as the social and historical events of modern China. 对话内容丰富,是了解和研究梁漱溟思想和活动的重要参考资料,同时也是了解现代中国社会和历史事件的参考。 BOOK 4 A Collection Of Qian Zhongshu's English Essays 《钱钟书英文文集》 by Qian Zhongshu 钱钟书 Chronologically arranged, the essays in this anthology are mostly culled from various journals in the collection of the National Library. 这本文集按时间编排,所选文章从国家图书馆所藏的各种期刊中挑选出。 Several other pieces have found their way from Qian's unpublished papers. Future discoveries, should there be any, and after proper authentication, will be incorporated into the Collection. 还有些是从钱钟书没有出版的论文中挑选出来的。今后若有钱先生的其他文章被发现,在经过核实之后,也将会被收入这本文集之中。 BOOK 5 The Rise of Modern China 《中国近代史》 by Immanuel C. Y. Hsü 徐中约 Now in its sixth edition, this book has been updated to examine the return of Hong Kong in 1997 and the upcoming return of Macao in 1999. 这部书目前已经出版了到了第六版,增加了对于1997年香港回归和1999年澳门回归的思考。 Hsü discusses the end of the last vestiges of foreign imperialism in China, as well as China's emergence as a regional and global superpower. 徐中约讲到了中国最后的帝国主义残留,并且讨论了中国成为地区和全球超级大国的道路。 BOOK 6 Strange Stones: Dispatches from East and West 《奇石》 by Peter Hessler 彼得•海斯勒(何伟) An absorbing and ambitious work of reportage on history, politics, and culture from the acclaimed New Yorker correspondent. 扣人心弦、颇具野心的报告文学,从知名的《纽约客》驻北京记者的角度谈论了中国的历史、政治与文化。 Strange Stones is a far-ranging, thought-provoking collection of Hessler's best reportage over the past decade. During this time, Hessler lived in Asia and the United States, writing as both native and knowledgeable outsider in these two very different regions. 《奇石》是何伟在前10年间写过的最好的报告文学的汇集本,触及面广、引人深思。在这十年间,何伟作为土生土长的美国人和博学多闻的外国人居住于美国和亚洲。 This unusual perspective distinguishes Strange Stones, which showcases Hessler's unmatched range as a storyteller. 《奇石》具有独特的视角,展示了何伟作为一个故事讲述者无与伦比的涉猎范围。 BOOK 7 Tao Te Ching 《道德经》 by Laozi 老子 The Tao Te Ching forms the fundamental core of modern Taoist philosophy and has informed the beliefs and mode of life of the people of China for 2400 years. 《道德经》是现代道家哲学的核心基础,也影响了中国人2400年以来的信仰和生活方式。 The mysterious Laozi's ancient wisdom may be hard to translate, but the meaning is clear – learning to be self-aware could improve modern life. 老子玄而又玄的古代思想可能很难去翻译,但是其含义是明确的——为了自明而不断学习能够让社会更为进步。 2400 years after it was composed, we need the Tao Te Ching's lessons in self-awareness more than ever. 在成书2400年之后,我们比任何时候都更为需要《道德经》的指导来达到自我的觉悟。 BOOK 8 Insights into Chinese Culture 《中国文化英语教程》 by Ye Lang Zhu Liangzhi 叶朗 朱良志 For readers both at home and abroad who have some basic knowledge of the Chinese language and are interested in Chinese culture. A detailed and vivid introduction to certain unique features and highlights of Chinese culture. 对于国内外有一定中文基础的并且喜爱中国文化的读者来说,这部书详尽生动地介绍了关于中国文化一些独特之处。 The book shows the spirit world, cultural personality, life attitude and aesthetic taste of Chinese people and it also displays that Chinese people who respect nature, expect a plentiful life, pray for peace and love life. 这本书揭示了中国人的精神世界、文化性格、生活态度和美学品味,还展现了中国人的尊重自然、祈求富足、平静和热爱生活的态度。 BOOK 9 Great Books of China: From Ancient Times to the Present 《中国古今文学选萃》 by Frances Wood 吴芳思 Great Books of China introduces outstanding works of various genres, from fiction, drama, and poetry to history, science, and travel; they were written by philosophers and artists, government officials and scholars, by men and women across many centuries and from every part of China. 这本书展现了从小说、戏剧、诗文到历史、科学和游记等不同文学体裁,这些作品由哲学家、艺术家、政府官员和学者等中国历朝历代不同地区的人们写就。 BOOK 10 The Seven Military Classics Of Ancient China (History and Warfare) 《武经七书》 translated by Ralph D. Sawyer 拉尔夫·D·索耶 译 The Seven Military Classics is one of the most profound studies of warfare ever written, a stanchion in sinological and military history. 《武经七书》是有史以来最为深刻的战争研究之一,是对于汉学和军事研究的支柱文献。 It presents an Eastern tradition of strategic thought that emphasizes outwitting one's opponent through speed, stealth, flexibility, and a minimum of force — an approach very different from that stressed in the West. 这本书呈现了东方的战略思想传统,强调从速度、暗中行动、灵活性和最小的武力投入上如何做到以智取胜,这和西方强调的方式是截然不同的。 Safeguarded for centuries by the ruling elite of imperial China, even in modern times these writing shave been known only to a handful of Western specialists. This volume contains seven separate essays, written between 500 BCE and 700 CE, that preserve the essential tenets of strategy distilled from the experience of the most brilliant warriors of ancient China. 历朝历代,这些文章就被当权精英所掌控,即使在现代也只为一小部分西方学者所了解。这本书包含七篇不同的文章,于公元前500年到公元700年之间写就,保存着从中国古代最杰出的战士的经验中,提炼出的最基本的战略原则。 |