有意尝试国际教育的中国家庭一定非常好奇,那些双语学校的学生们平时都会阅读哪些英文原版书,下面的这个书单由目前在万科双语学校工作的周一妍shirley老师奉献给大家作为参考,这些书的推荐者都是五年级学生,每本书还附有推荐理由。家长们也可以从这些原版书出发,教孩子广泛涉猎各类英文书籍,从小培养良好的阅读习惯。 推荐理由:这本书非常有趣。我喜欢这本书,因为我从中学会了如何去写自己的日记。 I recommend this book because this book is interesting. Exciting thing about this book is that you can make your own diary too. 推荐理由:这本书很写实。通过讲述一匹马被反复转卖的故事揭露了人们对动物情感的漠视。 This book is realistic, and it lets people think more about treating others nicely through narrating the story of horse.The book reveals people's cruelty towards animals and depicts feelings of horse when he was sold out again and again. 推荐理由:对于哈里波特的粉丝来说,这本书非常精彩。它描绘了一个女巫如何使用超能力来施展魔法。 It is a wonderful book for fans of Harry Porter. Secondly, it illustrates magic which witches perform in the story. 推荐理由:这本书主要描绘了一些特殊能力者的故事。通过大量的图片来展现人们所做的不可思议的事情。 I want to recommend this book because ithas things that only part of us can possibly attain. There are many picturesshowing what amazing things people had done. 推荐理由:这本书通过三十个有趣的小故事,展现了学校中老师与同学间的关系。尽管部分故事脱离了现实,我依旧很喜欢这本书。最令我感到有趣的是Guff老师能将开小差的同学变成苹果的超能力。 This is a very funny and interesting book.It writes about the funny stories of every student and teacher within one specific class in Wayside School through thirty stories of them. I recommend this book since it is veryinteresting although sometimes it does not write about reality. A very funnypart of the book the magic of Ms. Guff. She can turn students who do not pay attentionwhen she is teaching into apples. 推荐理由:这是一个真实的荒岛求生的故事。一个18岁印地安女孩的生存经历使我对探索自然充满了兴趣。 I love this book as it describes a real survival story on an island. An eighteen-year-old Indian girl who survives withanimals for years really stimulates my passion for exploring more about the nature. 推荐理由:故事很真实。它表现了自然的血腥残酷以及早期营地领导者们的野蛮与无情。 This book is a very realistic and excitingone. It introduces people about the harsh surroundings, blood-dripping storiesand how barbarous and cruel the camp leaders are. 推荐理由:本书描写了一个拥有巧克力瀑布的巧克力工厂。令我印象深刻的是一个胖子为了偷吃巧克力而坠入了巧克力机器之中。 The book demonstrates a very famous chocolate factory which has a chocolate fall in it. An interesting scene which attracts me the most is that a fat guy attempts to eat the chocolate while falling into the machine. 推荐理由:本书主要讲述了Bess和George之间的一次争吵。在情人节当天有人在Bess口袋里放了一张辱骂卡片引起了她与George之间的误会。最终Nancy帮助他们化解了矛盾解决了问题。 The book is mostly about a dispute between Bess, Nancy's best friend, and George. On Valentine's day, they are making their own stuffed animals at Farmer Fran's barn yard. But, nevertheless, someone slips a mean Valentine card into Bess' animal's pocket. Bess believes thatGeorge gives her the card, so they are in a big fight. Fortunately, Nancy jumpsin and solves the case. Therefore it is so interesting while funny in the meantime. 推荐理由:这个寓言故事告诉人们要乐于分享。如果每个人都愿意多分享一些自己的经历,人们将更加快乐。 I recommend this old folk story because it tells us to share our own experience with others. If all of us are willing to expose more about ourselves, we are very likely to be more happy. |